

I recently made a huge boo boo y'all. I accidentally, seriously can't figure out how, deleted all pictures in my camera. I had amounted about 4,000 pictures in the past year and a half or so, many of those were from the past few months. That being said, I was only able to salvage about 20 from my phone camera which is what I'll be posting this week until I get new and better material any how. I'm not going to lie. It's a fucking bummer. I still want to cry. BUT, first world problems right?! So moving on!

Some friends and I visited the ever so weird exhibition of Ron Mueck's work at the MFAH. I'm open to a lot of things but this one was seriously odd. After seeing and letting it all sink in, I still have no idea how I feel about it. Everything was WAAAAYYY too real. Worth the time though if you want to throw in a curve ball at your usual impressionistic taste ;)

