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From the dinner I had at Indianola with my best friend to the weekend away with my girls and to the upcoming staycation the boy has planned for me, this birthday has been great. I hope you don't need explaining that I actually celebrate my birthday as long as humanly possible and it’s easy to do so when you have friends and loved ones like mine.

As always, this year has taught me many, many things…

It’s okay when you don’t know everything, it’s okay to say no to things you don’t want to do, and it’s a beautiful thing to remind your surrounding people how much they mean to you and how valuable they all are. It’s also permissible to have trash cravings, so long as you understand that it may require you to purchase anti-acids beforehand, it’s respectable when you can admit to yourself that you have taken on more than you can handle, and it’s an invaluable trait to meet someone who is a great listener and not just a great talker.

I’ve learned that not all things are reciprocal and to be okay with it. That the definition of joy actually trots on four little legs and barks at nothing at all and that the proof of love is to watch one more Dwayne The Rock Johnson movie even though they all seem like the same storyline on repeat.

But mainly, I’ve learned that I am deeply deeply loved and I cannot wait to bask in the glory of it all through sweet twenty-eight.

Talk soon! -Bree

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The Calm After The Grind

The Calm After The Grind

New York: Part II

New York: Part II