
Where the Wind Blows: Part I

Where the Wind Blows: Part I


Before I get into the travel post, you know, where I went, what I saw and what I ate while in Chicago. I had to do a post on my Chi-town fam. Yes, HAD to.

Just to give you some history, I met Kim during college. I hit it off with the other brown girl in class and we instantly became great friends, we’d hang out in Hunstville and in Houston as well, we talked about it all, family being at the center of everything. You see, Kim comes from an amazing, close family and while hanging out a few of those times, I got to FaceTime meet her mama. Both always asked, “When are you coming to Chicago???” To which I always said, “No se”.

Well, I took them up on the offer this time around, booked myself a flight, left my travel partner behind (sorry Mel!!!), and joined the Mateo family for an extended weekend in the windy city. Above everything, the Mateo family truly made me feel at home. The days started late, allowing us to sleep in, waking up when the body finally instructed it, walking around barefoot and laying on the couches for another nap before heading out. Mr. and Mrs. Mateo making homemade food and filling my belly with as much arroz as I could take and finishing the day with a Presidente or coconut rum, or maybe starting the day with that as well ;) lol.

Kim’s brother’s 29th birthday was celebrated with a Sunday BBQ where I met more of the extended family. The night was filled with some delicious salsa and guacamole by the birthday man’s girlfriend Vane, some amazing chops by cousin Orlando, and music and dancing by absolutely everyone. I cannot talk about my Chicago experience without talking about the Mateos. THEY made my Chicago experience by simply welcoming me into their home and family. From Kim’s parents hugging us hello every day, to Lucy inviting us over to her house, to cousin Cristal inviting us for mezcal, I felt I was home. Mr. and Mrs. Mateo, si leen esto, de todo corazon, gracias por recibirme con tanto amor en su casa, espero verlos muy pronto!!!

Talk soon,


Where the Wind Blows: Part II

Where the Wind Blows: Part II