
Out on the Sea

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Do you want to know a secret? I’m a bit of a control freak and perfectionist. I am. I realized that a lot more this weekend. I’ve always had an inkling, but it was confirmed this Saturday and Sunday. Do you want to know how I came to that conclusion? Well, I tried to control the weather for starters. I also pretty much lost my cool with my editing process and wound up snapping (sorry honey), and basically overwhelmed myself. Yes, I did that to me.

I asked a simple task of nature. To be very cloudy but not raining, to have the water be a bit more furious but also not get out of hand, and also be a lovely, breezy 80 degrees or so. I sound insane huh? Lol. But in all seriousness, that’s what I requested! And guess what? - nature said f you, f your wants, f your requests and instead she gave me a peaceful sea and a ton of sun.

But isn’t that what life is? Nothing is easy. Nothing is simple. Nothing is how you expect or plan it to be. Life can be hard. I don’t get to dictate how everything goes, I don’t get to just know everything and not struggle, and I don’t get to define perfection solely by the idea or vision I had in mind.

What I do get to do, is take the alternatives with grace, to accept that just because it didn’t turn out the way you planned, it doesn’t make it any less perfect. I mean, look at these images. Sun very present without any clouds to cover it but grace, elegance, and quiet strength were also there to keep the sun company.

I took my lessons from the sea. Strength does not only come in the shape of furious currents. Strength also comes in the shape of quiet, peaceful waters. And if we’re going to be control freaks, admit and make peace with the fact that the only things we can control are our reactions.

Talk soon!

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Three's Company

Third Position