
Hip Hop Market

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Houston, Houston, oh Houston. You don't fail to surprise me with your good vibes, sense of community, and just ability to love. 

Amongst my dog, my family, my friends, photography, and all other things I love, Houston is a top contender. I'm sure most of you watched as Harvey flooded our city but man did we ever come afloat with all the positivity. That sealed the deal for me. That's when I knew Houston was a great love of mine and I'm constantly reminded of how great our city and people are. Latest reminder, the Hip Hop Vintage Market. 

Held the first Sunday of every month, Houstonians gather to sell and purchase vintage goods, enjoy good music, eat great food and snacks, dance a little, and just enjoy each other and share the love. Join us next time! 

Talk soon, B.

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New York City

Three's Company